This site is maintained by Zachary M. Schrag, Professor of History at George Mason University. While its advice is designed primarily for undergraduate and graduate students of United States history, I hope it will prove useful to all those who wish to study history and related disciplines. This material was formerly posted at and was moved to this domain in the summer of 2010. The views expressed here are my own and may not reflect those of George Mason University.
Please use this site for the most recent versions. Except where noted otherwise, all original material on this site is copyright © 2002-2021 Zachary M. Schrag. It may be used for non-commercial personal and educational purposes provided it is attributed to Zachary M. Schrag.
If you are an educator who finds this site useful for classroom teaching, I would appreciate your sending me a note at zach (at) telling me how you are using it and how it might be improved. Please do not use this address for the public business of George Mason University.